Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Development, Resources, and Practice PSY 683 Psychology of the Exceptional Child | 6 Edition

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Details about Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Development, Resources, and Practice PSY 683 Psychology of the Exceptional Child:

INCLUSIVE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: DEVELOPMENT, RESOURCES, AND PRACTICE, Sixth Edition, is a comprehensive special education resource book that provides essential information on a variety of early childhood learning disabilities, as well as strategies for including children with these special needs in regular educational settings. The author provides students with a solid grounding in theory and research, as well as practical guidelines, real-world vignettes, and hands-on program planning assistance to prepare them to integrate children with learning disabilities into their classrooms. Updated throughout, this edition also introduces videos that are available for viewing at the Early Childhood Education Media Library, allowing students to see text concepts brought to life in real classroom settings.
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