Moves for Launching a New Year of Student-Centered Coaching | 1 Edition

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Authors: Sweeney, Diane,Harris, Leanna S.,Steele, Julie
ISBN-13: 9781071890165
List Price: $15.50 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about Moves for Launching a New Year of Student-Centered Coaching:

Engaging teachers in coaching is an ongoing process that requires planning and intentionality. Whether you are new to a school or have been there a while, the beginning of the year brings forth the opportunity to envision what your work will look like and how you will deepen the impact it makes on teacher and student learning. Start the Year Strong with Student-Centered Coaching Designed to ensure a successful start to the school year, this guidebook provides strategies for coaches, principals, and district leaders to successfully launch a new year of Student-Centered Coaching. Organized into fifteen moves, this resource provides: Concrete ideas for how coaches can connect with new and returning teachers Strategies for supporting teachers to increase student engagement and build classroom community Steps for building strong principal and coach partnerships that will last throughout the year Tools and artifacts that can be used to message and market coaching Ideas for scheduling coaching that is flexible and meets teachers’ needs Videos and other resources that dig deeper into each of the fifteen coaching moves that are included By investing carefully in the first few weeks of school and crafting a clear plan with this guidebook, the foundation you build will support your work far beyond the start of the school year.

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