How the Brain Learns | Sixth Edition

ISBN-13: 9781071855362
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Details about How the Brain Learns:
Deliver game-changing—and brain-changing—results for your students Research on the brain continues to evolve, providing fresh insights educators can use to guide students toward success. In the sixth edition of this international bestseller, world-renowned educational neuroscience consultant David Sousa once again translates that research into concrete actions and strategies for the classroom. Featuring important updates and brand-new findings, the latest edition includes: A new section on the expansion of SEL to SECL, integrating the cognitive component of social-emotional learning Additional research on mindsets—including cautions Effective, brain-compatible ways to safely use social media and online learning New information on the importance of student engagement, especially through academic teams Connections between Bloom’s Taxonomy and current instructional strategies, such as teaming and project/maker learning Whether you’re already a fan of brain-compatible learning or just getting started on this exciting approach to teaching and learning, How the Brain Learns will set your neurons firing—and give you the tools you need to help students succeed.