Girls Without Limits: Helping Girls Succeed in Relationships, Academics, Careers, and Life | Second Edition

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Author: Hinkelman, Lisa Marie
ISBN-13: 9781071807507
List Price: $34.76 (up to 87% savings)
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Details about Girls Without Limits: Helping Girls Succeed in Relationships, Academics, Careers, and Life:

Be the caring and positive force that girls need Social media, friendships, dating culture, academic pressures, bullying, self-concept, fear of failure… These are just a few of the complex challenges facing adolescent girls. In a world that is changing rapidly, it can be difficult to know how to foster effective communication and provide authentic support for the girls that we teach, parent, mentor, and coach.    The newly updated edition of Girls Without Limits offers relevant insights and concrete strategies that will help you:  Understand the unique challenges girls face, including relationship troubles, social and academic pressures, disrespect and harassment, body image, academic and career choices, and becoming leaders  Teach girls the skills they need to safely and confidently navigate social media and other evolving technologies Empower girls with the skills they need to establish healthy and supportive relationships, build a strong sense of self, and develop the confidence they need to confront negative societal expectations and make healthy, positive decisions  Combining relevant research, findings from a large-scale national survey of more than 10,000 girls, and the voices and experiences of today’s adolescents, Girls Without Limits equips educators, parents, school counselors, mentors, and coaches with the skills and strategies they need to build solid relationships, handle difficult conversations, and cultivate a generation of girls who are strong, capable, confident, and successful. What your colleagues have to say:  "Girls Without Limits is the first book I recommend to anyone I know who has daughters or works with girls. It’s timely, relevant, and contains eye-opening insights for understanding their world, and is packed with practical tools and tips for engaging the girls in your life. A pivotal read, it forever put me on the path of empowering our girls to change the world around them!" Kaishauna Johnson, School Counselor Chino High School, CA "In this second edition, the data from Dr. Hinkelman’s research on the experiences, opinions, and behaviors of girls is combined with practical ways of engaging them on a variety of topics, from body image and confidence to healthy relationships and leadership. Readers will gain tangible ways of actually relating to girls and teaching them the skills needed to live in a world that is saturated with technology. Girls Without Limits is a must-read for anyone who works with, educates, or parents girls!" Sibyl West, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Counselor Education and co-director of the Frederick Douglass Institute on Intercultural Research Indiana University of Pennsylvania

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