American Education Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education | 21 Edition

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Details about American Education Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education:

Featuring current information and challenging perspectives on the latest issues and forces shaping the American educational system—with scholarship that is often cited as a primary source—Joel Spring introduces readers to the historical, political, social and legal foundations of education and to the profession of teaching in the United States. In his signature straightforward, concise approach to describing complex issues, he illuminates events and topics that are often overlooked or whitewashed, giving students the opportunity to engage in critical thinking about education. Students come away informed on the latest topics, issues and data and with a strong knowledge of the forces shaping the American educational system. Updated throughout, the 21st edition of this clear, authoritative text remains fresh and up-to-date, reflecting the many changes in education that have occurred since the publication of the previous edition. New coverage includes: Discussion of “culture wars” and critical race theory Parental rights versus the goals of common education LGBTQIA+ students’ rights Discussion of the current administration’s educational policies

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I am a Retired Cert.Teacher who specializes in Special Education, Basic French & Spanish, Pre-Algebra, Reading, Language Arts, Test Preparation and Study Skills. In addition, I have B.S. in Psychology, A.A. in Sociology, and an A.S. in Dietetics. I have taught both General Ed and Special Needs (inclusive and resource) students, Elementary to High School level, as well as gifted students in a public school system. The techniques I use in tutoring are very basic. First determine how the student ... Read more

I am a Retired Cert.Teacher who specializes in Special Education, Basic French & Spanish, Pre-Algebra, Reading, Language Arts, Test Preparation and Study Skills. In addition, I have B.S. in Psychology, A.A. in Sociology, and an A.S. in Dietetics. I have taught both General Ed and Special Needs (inclusive and resource) students, Elementary to High School level, as well as gifted students in a public school system. The techniques I use in tutoring are very basic. First determine how the student ... Read more

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