Quantum Mechanics with Concept Maps | New Edition

ISBN-13: 9781009234894
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Details about Quantum Mechanics with Concept Maps:
Many physics textbooks take a traditional approach to the demonstration of mathematical relationships and derivations, presenting them in linear order. However, many physical derivations follow a tree-shaped structure with interconnected steps running in parallel, where numerous individual equations are manipulated and combined to reach a final result. Thus, conventional presentation often leads to derivations being spread over several book pages and linked by formula numbering. This title takes a novel and intuitive approach to introductory quantum mechanics by utilising concept maps to address non-linear structures in key mathematical relationships. Concept maps are structures in a form similar to flowcharts where derivations, concepts, and relations are visualised on one page, supported by concise accompanying text on the opposite page. Perfect as a supporting and guiding tool for undergraduates, this book is designed to aid in the understanding and memorisation of key derivations and mathematical concepts in quantum mechanics.