Ukrainian Through its Living Culture: Advanced Level Language Textbook | Illustrated Edition

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Author: Nedashkivska, Alla
ISBN-13: 9780888645173
List Price: $46.20 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about Ukrainian Through its Living Culture: Advanced Level Language Textbook:

Placing language learning within a cultural framework enlivens the learning process and jumpstarts contextual conversations in the classroom. Experienced instructor Dr. Alla Nedashkivska has crafted a textbook that presents a modern version of Ukrainian, one that will encourage students' interest in learning, with the goal of building proficiency in the language and knowledge of Ukrainian culture and society. This text is excellent for studies over a longer period, using the intermediate exercises to start, then progressing to the advanced exercises to cement comprehension. An absolute must for anyone teaching or learning Ukrainian at senior levels.

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