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Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing | Second Edition, Revised, Second Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing Second Edition, Revised, Second Edition ISBN 9780830827657 by Shelly, Judith Allen,Miller, Arlene B.
Authors: Shelly, Judith Allen,Miller, Arlene B.
ISBN-13: 9780830827657
List Price: $23.56 (up to 92% savings)
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Details about Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing:

Nursing keeps changing. The role of the nurse grew out of a Christian understanding of the human person as created in the image of God, and viewed the body as a living unity and the "temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor 6:19). Contemporary nursing, however, is increasingly characterized by a diminished understanding of personhood. The impact on patient care has proven confusing and discouraging to many nurses. In the newly revised and expanded Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing, Judith Allen Shelly and Arlene B. Miller define nursing for today based on a historically and theologically grounded understanding of the nurse's call: Nursing is a ministry of compassionate care for the whole person, in response to God's grace toward a sinful world, which aims to foster optimum health (shalom) and bring comfort in suffering and death for anyone in need. Called to Care asserts that nursing is a vocation, giving nurses a framework for understanding their mission and living out their calling: service to God through caring for others.

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