The Social Work Field Placement: A Competency-Based Approach | 2 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780826137524
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Details about The Social Work Field Placement: A Competency-Based Approach:
Helps students to integrate social work education with field placement learning experiences in a purposeful, reflective, and unified manner
This authoritative text is designed to help BSW and MSW students structure their field placement learning around the nine CSWE profession social work competencies to maximize their field placement learning opportunities. The new second edition is completely updated with the 2022 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). Learning activities in each chapter provide examples of field placement tasks and projects related to chapter topics and competencies. The second edition also threads new content on anti-racism, diversity, equity, inclusion, and rights-based approaches to social work practice throughout.
The chapters in Part I focus on helping students have a successful field placement experience. Each chapter in Part II focuses on a specific professional competency with substantive content on the competency. All chapters have field reflection questions, critical thinking questions, a detailed case summary illustrating one or more competencies with discussion questions, learning activities and electronic competency resource links to websites and videos. Instructors will welcome chapter PowerPoints and an Instructor's Manual with case assignments, grading rubrics, and peer-to-peer small group discussion assignments.
New to the Second Edition:
- Completely updated with the 2022 EPAS
- New chapter on understanding the organizational culture of the field placement agency and its relationship to the community—a critical component for having a productive field placement experience
- New information on developing a performance improvement plan in supervision chapter
- Recent research on social work policy practice and relevant policy changes impacting social welfare policies, and special policy priorities established by NASW
Key Features:
- Helps students to maximize field placement experience by linking field placement activities to social work competencies
- Delivers learning activities for each competency to help students structure their field placements
- Includes downloadable student resources, such as a competency reflection log to facilitate data-driven evaluations
- Includes electronic resources with QR codes for each chapter
- Addresses interprofessional writing and collaboration and self-care