Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy, Fifth Edition: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner – Grief Counseling Handbook on Treatment of Grief, Loss and Bereavement, Book and Free eBook | 5 Edition

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Details about Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy, Fifth Edition: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner – Grief Counseling Handbook on Treatment of Grief, Loss and Bereavement, Book and Free eBook:

Fourth Edition Named a 2013 Doody’s Core Title!

Praise for the Fourth Edition:

"In the fields of death education, research and counseling/psychology, surely Bill Worden is a giant...ALL of us, personally and professionally, are indebted to [him]. From his work we may be just a bit wiser, a bit healthier, a bit more competent, and a lot more in touch with meaning for the sake of all who mourn."

--Illness, Crisis, & Loss

"[If] you knew Worden's work and his writings previously, you'll find an enhanced book with a much broader and challenging perspective than his previous editions. If you are not familiar with Bill Worden, then it is time to begin."

--Ben Wolfe, MEd, LICSW, Fellow in Thanatology, Program Manager/Grief Counselor, St. Mary's Medical Center's Grief Support Center Duluth, MN

Encompassing new content on the treatment of grief, loss, and bereavement, the updated and revised fifth edition of this gold-standard text continues to deliver the most up-to-date research and practical information for upper-level students and practitioners alike. The fifth edition includes updates to the author’s Tasks and Mediators of Mourning, new case studies, and valuable Instructor Resources. The text highlights recent initiatives to extend care to the bereaved and fosters the knowledge and skills required for effective intervention and even preventative treatment. Also addressed is the impact of social media and online resources for “cyber mourning,” changes in the DSM-5 as they influence bereavement work, alternate models of mourning, and new findings on the varied qualities of grief.

The fifth edition continues to present a well-organized, concise format that is easy to read and provides critical information for master’s level health courses in grief counseling and grief therapy as well as for new and seasoned practitioners alike.

New to the Fifth Edition:

  • Refinements to the author’s TASKS of Mourning
  • New considerations regarding Mediators of Mourning on social variables
  • The impact of social media and online resources on “cyber mourning”
  • Complicated spiritual grief after mass shootings and other catastrophes
  • Changes in the DSM-5 as they influence bereavement work
  • Cross-cultural and multifaceted counseling for specialized grief, including grandparent’s grief, prolonged grief disorder, and HIV-AIDS-related bereavement
  • Updated information on grief and depression
  • New case studies and updated references
  • Includes reflection and discussion questions in each chapter
  • Updated and revised information on grief counseling training
  • Accompanying instructor packet with Manual, PowerPoint slides, and Test Bank

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