Zephaniah--Malachi: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching Kerux Commentaries

ISBN-13: 9780825425738
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Details about Zephaniah--Malachi: A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching Kerux Commentaries:
Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the reader's ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohesive, and dynamic. Each volume uniquely combines the insights of an experienced Bible exegete (trained in interpretation) and a homiletician (trained in preaching). The digital extras provide an additional layer of technical commentary alongside the exegetical and homiletical commentary. This adds further engagement with the biblical languages, passage structure, historical backgrounds, and other commentators. These notes are exclusive to the digital versions of the Kerux commentaries to provide the reader with everything needed for a deep understanding of each passage for preparing a sermon, study, or lecture.