Leading for Change in Early Care and Education: Cultivating Leadership from Within Early Childhood Education Series

ISBN-13: 9780807758359
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Details about Leading for Change in Early Care and Education: Cultivating Leadership from Within Early Childhood Education Series:
Featuring both research findings and practical recommendations, this book presents an innovative framework for nurturing leadership in the care and education of young children. Early educators are often seen as the objects of change, rather than the architects and co-creators of change. Douglass calls for a paradigm shift in thinking that challenges many long-held stereotypes about the early care and education workforce’s capacity to lead change. Case studies show how educators use their expertise every day to make a difference in the lives of children and families. These accounts demonstrate concrete strategies for expanding current thinking about who can be leaders for change and for developing more inclusive pathways for leadership. This book has the potential to revolutionize the field with a new model for developing and nurturing innovative, entrepreneurial, and skilled early educator leaders capable of driving transformative change—from classrooms and home-based programs to communities and beyond.
“Douglass boldly calls for a re-envisioning of access to leadership in early care and education.”
—From the Foreword by Lea J. E. Austin, co-director, Center for the Study of Child Care Employment
“Provides a new and motivating lens for improving early childhood education ‘on the ground.’ This is a welcome and significant contribution to the field.”
—Stacie G. Goffin, principal, Goffin Strategy Group
“Offers a new framework for thinking about leadership development, including research findings and practical recommendations to create clear pathways and a supportive ecosystem.”
—Marilou Hyson, consultant, Early Childhood Development and Education