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Project Management Absolute Beginner's Guide | 4 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Project Management Absolute Beginner's Guide 4 Edition ISBN 9780789756756 by Horine, Greg
Author: Horine, Greg
ISBN-13: 9780789756756
List Price: $33.78 (up to 85% savings)
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Details about Project Management Absolute Beginner's Guide:

This title is available via Pearson+ and includes an eTextbook with audio on most titles. Pearson+ also offers expert videos, notes, and flashcards so you can learn anyway you like. Succeed as a project manager, even if you’ve never run a project before! This book is the fastest way to master every project management task, from upfront budgeting and scheduling through execution, managing teams through closing projects, and learning from experience. Updated with more insights from the front lines, including agile approaches, dealing with security and privacy priorities, and leading remote/virtual teams, along with the latest on Microsoft Project and PMI standards and certifications and a special bonus chapter on preparing for the PMP certification. This book will show you exactly how to get the job done, one incredibly clear and easy step at a time. Project management has never, ever been this simple! Who knew how simple project management could be? This is today’s best beginner’s guide to modern project management… simple, practical instructions for succeeding with every task you’ll need to perform!

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