Carson Dellosa The Complete Book of Maps and Geography Workbook—Grades 3-6 Social Studies, State, Regional, Global Geography and Map Skills Activities 352 pgs | Workbook Edition

ISBN-13: 9780769685595
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Details about Carson Dellosa The Complete Book of Maps and Geography Workbook—Grades 3-6 Social Studies, State, Regional, Global Geography and Map Skills Activities 352 pgs:
The Complete Book of Maps & Geography provides 352 pages of fun exercises that focus on developing necessary skills such as map interpretation, identifying geography, global navigation, and more! Over 4 million in print! Designed by leading experts, books in the Complete Book series help children in grades preschool-6 build a solid foundation in key subject areas for learning success. Complete Books are the most thorough and comprehensive learning guides available, offering high-interest lessons to encourage learning and fun, full-color illustrations to spark interest. Each book also features challenging concepts and activities to motivate independent study, and a complete answer key to measure performance and guide instruction.