Law Enforcement Responder: Principles of Emergency Medicine, Rescue, and Force Protection | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780763781491
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Details about Law Enforcement Responder: Principles of Emergency Medicine, Rescue, and Force Protection:
Public safety professionals and emergency responders today face greater threats than ever before in our history. The traditional role of law enforcement has vastly expanded to require extraordinarily broad-based emergency response capabilities. Law Enforcement Responder: Principles of Emergency Medicine, Rescue, and Force Protection prepares homeland security leaders, law enforcement officers, security professionals, and public safety officials for the wide range of emergency responses they must perform on a daily basis. The textbook addresses all of the competency statements in the National EMS Education Standards at the Emergency Medical Responder level, as well as additional lifesaving content specific to law enforcement that far exceeds the core curriculum. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.