Fighting Infertility: Finding My Inner Warrior Through Trying to Conceive, IVF, and Miscarriage | 1 Edition

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Author: Busch, Samantha
ISBN-13: 9780757323836
List Price: $14.98 (up to 88% savings)
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Details about Fighting Infertility: Finding My Inner Warrior Through Trying to Conceive, IVF, and Miscarriage:

Samantha Busch uses her voice to break the silence that surrounds the infertility community in this raw and relatable account of her journey with IVF, loss, and faith. Samantha Busch, wife of NASCAR champion Kyle Busch, knows the thrill of the racing circuit, but she also knows the heartache and despair of infertility. She shares both in this honest and relatable account where faith, family, love, and loss intersect. As Samantha’s and Kyle’s public lives grew more pronounced, their private life was being torn apart. The frustrations and uncertainty of their fertility problems took a toll on them as individuals and as a couple, creating a cyclone of emotions that threatened everything they had worked so hard for. Through these trials, they learned how to build a stronger relationship, foster a deeper faith, and find humor through the tears. They also discovered a passion for helping other couples gain access to fertility treatments. In this memoir, Samantha uses her voice to break the silence and stigma that surround the infertility community. She details her battle with infertility, including her IVF experience, her miscarriage, a failed cycle, and the overwhelming grief and depression that surrounded these obstacles.  By sharing practical advice as well as candid and inspiring stories of her journey, she provides support, validation, community, and education for others experiencing similar tribulations.  Fighting Infertility is an opportunity to feel understood, to gain strength through the struggle, and to ignite your inner warrior.  

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