Security Law and Methods | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780750679947
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Details about Security Law and Methods:
Security Law and Methods examines suggested security methods designed to diminish or negate the consequence of crime and misconduct, and is an attempt to understand both the legal exposures related to crime and the security methods designed to prevent crime. The clear and concise writing of this groundbreaking work, as well as its insightful analysis of specific cases, explains crime prevention methods in light of legal and security principles.
Divided into five parts, Security Law and Methods discusses the topics of premises liability and negligence, intentional torts and claims, agency and contract based claims, legal authority and liability, and the subject of terrorism. It also offers an evocative look at security issues that may arise in the future. The book serves as a comprehensive and insightful treatment of security, and is an invaluable addition to the current literature on security and the law.
* Contains clear explanations of complicated legal concepts
* Includes case excerpts, summaries, and discussion questions
* Suggests additional research and relevant cases for further study