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A Time of Paradox: America Since 1890

Compare Textbook Prices for A Time of Paradox: America Since 1890  ISBN 9780742533776 by Jeansonne University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Glen
Author: Jeansonne University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Glen
ISBN-13: 9780742533776
List Price: $55.00 (up to 95% savings)
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Details about A Time of Paradox: America Since 1890:

In this lively and provocative synthesis, distinguished historian Glen Jeansonne explores the people and events that shaped America in the twentieth century. Comprehensive in scope, A Time of Paradox offers a balanced look at the political, diplomatic, social and cultural developments of the last century while focusing on the diverse and sometimes contradictory human experiences that characterized this dynamic period. Designed with the student in mind, this cogent text provides the most up to date analysis available, offering insight into the divisive election of 2004, the War on Terror and the Gulf Coast hurricanes. Substantive biographies on figures ranging from Samuel Insull to Madonna give students a more personalized view of the men and women who influenced American society over the past hundred years.

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