Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics ICE Textbook series Ice Institure of Civil Engineers

ISBN-13: 9780727758415
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Details about Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics ICE Textbook series Ice Institure of Civil Engineers:
Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics introduces the mathematical principles needed for embarking upon an undergraduate engineering degree, providing students with an essential foundation of skills that will be valuable throughout their academic career and beyond. The book covers the key areas including algebra, trigonometry and calculus as well as more detailed coverage of topics such as the equilibrium of bodies, dimensional analysis and experimental data analysis. Produced by the Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE Textbooks offer clear, concise and practical information on the major principles of civil and structural engineering. They are an indispensable companion to undergraduate audiences, providing students with: a comprehensive introduction to core engineering subjects; real-life case studies and worked examples; practice questions, exercises and supplementary online solutions available at:; key learning aims, revision points and chapter summaries; further reading suggestions. Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics is essential reading for anyone embarking on an undergraduate degree in civil engineering or anyone wishing to refresh and revise their mathematics knowledge.