Old House Eco Handbook: A Practical Guide to Retrofitting for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability | Revised Edition

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Authors: Hunt, Roger,Suhr, Marianne,McCloud, Kevin
ISBN-13: 9780711239777
List Price: $31.00 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about Old House Eco Handbook: A Practical Guide to Retrofitting for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:

How can we make old houses energy efficient without devaluing future sustainability? And how can we do so without compromising their appeal and character? This practical and essential guide to retrofitting for energy efficiency seeks to provide answers to this and other questions homeowners of old houses are asking. Whether your house is medieval and timber-framed or a Georgian, Victorian or Edwardian terrace, it can be made more energy efficient and sustainable. This practical, comprehensive and fully illustrated handbook will show you how.  Revised and updated throughout, and with a foreword by Kevin McCloud, Old House Eco Handbook includes chapters on the building envelope; roofs and ceilings; windows and doors; walls; floors; paints; energy, air and water; plus a brand new chapter on retrofit materials. In association with The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, this is a must have for owners of old houses looking to make their homes more energy efficient and sustainable.

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