Transforming Public Health Surveillance: Proactive Measures for Prevention, Detection, and Response | 1 Edition

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Authors: McNabb, Scott,Conde, J Mark,Ferland, Lisa,Macwright, William,Memish, Ziad,Okutani, Stacy,Park, Meeyoung,Ryland, Paige,Shaikh, Affan,Singh, Vivek
ISBN-13: 9780702063374
List Price: $66.36 (up to 41% savings)
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Details about Transforming Public Health Surveillance: Proactive Measures for Prevention, Detection, and Response:

Public Health Surveillance (PHS) is of primary importance in this era of emerging health threats like ebola, MERS-CoV, influenza, natural and man-made disasters, and non-communicable diseases. Transforming Public Health Surveillance is a forward-looking, topical, and up-to-date overview of the issues and solutions facing PHS. It describes the realities of the gaps and impediments to efficient and effective PHS, while presenting a vision for its possibilities and promises in the 21st century. The book gives a roadmap to the goal of public health information being available, when it is needed and where it is needed. Led by Professor Scott McNabb, an international team of the top-notch public health experts from academia, government, and non-governmental organizations provides the most complete and current update on this core area of public health practice in a decade in 31 chapters. This includes the key roles PHS plays in achieving the global health security agenda and health equity. The authors provide a global perspective for students and professionals in public health. Five case studies aid the understanding of the context for the lessons of the book, and a comprehensive glossary, questions, bullet points, and learning objectives make this book an excellent tool for the classroom. 

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