Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice 1 Edition ISBN 9780615538877 by Haskins Ph.D., Edmund C.,Trexler Ph.D., Lance E.,Shapiro-Rosenbaum Ph.D., Amy,Dams-O’Connor Ph.D., Kristin,Eberle M.A.,, Rebecca,Cicerone Ph.D.,, Keith,Langenbahn Ph.D., Donna
Authors: Haskins Ph.D., Edmund C.,Trexler Ph.D., Lance E.,Shapiro-Rosenbaum Ph.D., Amy,Dams-O’Connor Ph.D., Kristin,Eberle M.A.,, Rebecca,Cicerone Ph.D.,, Keith,Langenbahn Ph.D., Donna
ISBN-13: 9780615538877
List Price: $125.27 (up to 11% savings)
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