Dress and Clothing in the Hebrew Bible: “For All Her Household Are Clothed in Crimson” The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 679

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Authors: Finitsis, Antonios,Mein, Andrew,Camp, Claudia V.
ISBN-13: 9780567686404
List Price: $108.98 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about Dress and Clothing in the Hebrew Bible: “For All Her Household Are Clothed in Crimson” The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 679:

Built upon the flourishing study of costume, this book analyses sartorial evidence provided both by texts of the ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. The essays within lend clarity to the link between material and ideological, examining the tradition of dress, the different types of literature that reference the tradition of garments, and the people for whom such literature was written. The contributors explore sources that illuminate the social, psychological, aesthetic, ideological and symbolic meanings of clothing. The topics covered range from the relationship between clothing, kingship and power, to the symbolic significance of the high priestly regalia and the concept of garments as deception and defiance, while also considering the tendency to omit or ignore descriptions of YHWH's clothing. Following a historical sequence, the essays cross-reference with each other to create a milestone in biblical sartorial study.

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