Methods for Exodus Methods in Biblical Interpretation | 1 Edition

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Author: Dozeman PhD, Thomas B.
ISBN-13: 9780521710015
List Price: $25.99 (up to 58% savings)
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Details about Methods for Exodus Methods in Biblical Interpretation:

Methods for Exodus is a textbook on biblical methodology. The book introduces readers to six distinct methodologies that aid in the interpretation of the book of Exodus: literary and rhetorical, genre, source and redaction, liberation, feminist, and postcolonial criticisms. Describing each methodology, the volume also explores how the different methods relate to and complement one another. Each chapter includes a summary of the hermeneutical presuppositions of a particular method with a summary of the impact of the method on the interpretation of the book of Exodus. In addition, Exodus 1–2 and 19–20 are used to illustrate the application of each method to specific texts. The book is unique in offering a broad methodological discussion with all illustrations centered on the book of Exodus.

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