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Mathematics for Physicists Dover Books on Physics | unknown Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Mathematics for Physicists Dover Books on Physics unknown Edition ISBN 9780486691930 by Dennery, Philippe,Krzywicki, André
Authors: Dennery, Philippe,Krzywicki, André
ISBN-13: 9780486691930
List Price: $15.42 (up to 81% savings)
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Details about Mathematics for Physicists Dover Books on Physics:

"A fine example of how to present 'classical' physical mathematics." — American Scientist Written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this volume provides a thorough background in the mathematics needed to understand today's more advanced topics in physics and engineering. Without sacrificing rigor, the authors develop the theoretical material at length, in a highly readable, and, wherever possible, in an intuitive manner. Each abstract idea is accompanied by a very simple, concrete example, showing the student that the abstraction is merely a generalization from easily understood specific cases. The notation used is always that of physicists. The more specialized subjects, treated as simply as possible, appear in small print; thus, it is easy to omit them entirely or to assign them to the more ambitious student. Among the topics covered are the theory of analytic functions, linear vector spaces and linear operators, orthogonal expansions (including Fourier series and transforms), theory of distributions, ordinary and partial differential equations and special functions: series solutions, Green's functions, eigenvalue problems, integral representations. "An outstandingly complete collection of mathematical material of wide application in physics . . . invaluable to the reader intent on increasing his knowledge of the mathematical theories and techniques underlying physics." — Applied Optics

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