Diversity at Work: The Practice of Inclusion | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780470401330
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Details about Diversity at Work: The Practice of Inclusion:
The book focuses on providing reliable information and experiences from topic experts, including internal and external change agents and academics. Readers will learn what the key issues are in framing, designing, and implementing inclusion initiatives in organizations and in groups, and in helping individuals develop competencies for inclusion, with the goal of fully benefiting from diversity. The editors approach to the book includes translating diversity theory and research into the applied practice of inclusion and provide a unified model by employing diverse voices to address a range of related topics in multiple contexts. It also provides case studies and illustrations of how diversity and inclusion has worked in a variety of settings and contexts. To that end, this comprehensive handbook: Explains how inclusion is conceptualized, operationalized, and implemented in organizations. Connects inclusion to multiple dimensions of diversity (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, social class, profession, religion, and many others) in integrative ways, while at the same time incorporating specific and relevant examples. Includes boxes, exhibits, cases, and illustrations showing how principles are applied. Addresses international and multicultural perspectives throughout and give examples when possible. Provides practitioners perspectives and tools for thinking about and addressing inclusion in a variety of organizational contexts. Provides HR professionals and those in related fields with a one-stop resource on the latest knowledge regarding the practice of inclusion in organizations.