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Aging Families and Caregiving | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Aging Families and Caregiving 1 Edition ISBN 9780470008553 by Qualls, Sara Honn,Zarit, Steven H.
Authors: Qualls, Sara Honn,Zarit, Steven H.
ISBN-13: 9780470008553
List Price: $32.32 (up to 78% savings)
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Details about Aging Families and Caregiving:

With the field of geriatric mental health growing rapidly in the next decade as the Baby Boomers age, this timely guide brings together a notable team of international contributors to provide guidance for caregivers, families, and those who counsel them on managing caregiving challenges for aging family members. Aging Families and Caregiving helps mental health professionals guide families and other caregivers as they adjust to the demands of caring for aging family members and provides essential guidelines for the professionals treating this special-needs population.

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