Textbook of Clinical Hemodynamics | 3 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780443116421
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Details about Textbook of Clinical Hemodynamics:
A highly clinical focus and clear, vibrant illustrations make Textbook of Clinical Hemodynamics, 3rd Edition, by Dr. Michael Ragosta, the resource of choice for accurately analyzing hemodynamic waveforms generated in cardiac catheterization labs. This easy-to-use, disease-oriented reference—ideal for physicians, nurses, and technicians—offers the unparalleled detail and visual support you need for interpreting the findings you encounter in practice. New coverage throughout keeps everyone on the cardiac team up to date with the latest concepts and skills, ensuring more effective monitoring and treatment of patients with cardiac disease.
- Provides a disease-oriented assessment of waveform data that demonstrates how both qualitative and quantitative interpretation can affect clinical decision making.
- Features extensive updates throughout, with greatly expanded coverage of aortic valve disorders (TAVI) and left-ventricular hemodynamics, heart failure, and shock.
- Contains two new chapters: Diastology, with cardiac catheterization findings and echocardiographic depictions of diastolic function in health and disease states; and Bedside Hemodynamic Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit, focusing on indications, procedural aspects, available options, and the clinical utility of hemodynamic monitoring in the critically ill patient.
- More than 100 brand-new, full-color images provide clear visuals for a more complete understanding of complex concepts.
- Covers the most recent advances in the field, with emphasis on mitral and aortic valvular heart disease, coronary hemodynamics, cardiogenic shock, pulmonary hypertension, and mechanical circulatory support—all areas that have seen the most recent growth and change.
- Includes an updated Easy Reference Appendix with clinically useful formulas and data.