Sustainability Economics Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics | 1 Edition

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Author: Bartelmus, Peter
ISBN-13: 9780415686839
List Price: $73.59 (up to 32% savings)
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Details about Sustainability Economics Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics:

The book is a concise introduction to an emerging field within economics. Drawing on numerous disciplines, including environmental science, environmental and ecological economics and optimal growth theory, sustainability remains a hazy and complex subject. The author set out with two objectives: one, to bring some order into the proliferating measures, models and management of sustainability; and two, to facilitate access to a complex inter-disciplinary subject area. The book points to practical ways of assessing and enhancing the long-term environmental and economic sustainability of our economies. The result is a fully international study that should bridge the gap between disciplines and prove to be an essential guide to anyone interested in one of the most important concepts in the social sciences.

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