The Practice of Diplomacy: Its Evolution, Theory and Administration | 2 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780415497657
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Details about The Practice of Diplomacy: Its Evolution, Theory and Administration:
Practice of Diplomacy has become established as a classic text in the study of diplomacy. This much-needed second edition is completely reworked and updated throughout and builds on the strengths of the original text with a strong empirical and historical focus. Topics new and updated for this edition include: discussion of Ancient and non-European diplomacy including a more thorough treatment of pre-Hellenic and Muslim diplomacy and the diplomatic methods prevalent in the inter-state system of the Indian sub-continent evaluation of human rights diplomacy from the nineteenth-century campaign against the slave trade onwards a fully updated and revised account of the inter-war years and the diplomacy of the Cold War, drawing on the latest scholarship in the field an entirely new chapter discussing core issues such as climate change; NGOs and coalitions of NGOs; trans-national corporations; foreign ministries and IGOs; the revolution in electronic communications; public diplomacy; transformational diplomacy and faith-based diplomacy. This text has established itself as a core text in the field of diplomacy and this new edition is absolutely essential reading for students and practitioners of diplomacy.