Helping Skills for Human Service Workers | 4 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780398093044
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Details about Helping Skills for Human Service Workers:
This updated and expanded fourth edition continues the theme of the previous edition emphasizing the current supporting research towards the building of relationships, and encouraging productive change between human service workers and their clients. The text arranged the chapters in the following manner: Chapter 1 discusses several basic issues regarding the development and use of helping skills. Chapter 2 explores common modes of response. Chapter 3 encounters several ingredients that foster positive relationships. Chapter 4 presents a step-by-step approach to problem solving. Chapter 5 examines responses that can detract from efforts made. Chapter 6 presents a straightforward approach to establishing goals, objectives, and plans. Chapter 7 describes channels of nonverbal information and commonly encountered nonverbal messages. Chapter 8 highlights endeavors that take center stage before, during, and after scheduled appointments. Chapter 9 considers the needs of several groups such as children and older persons, clients having low socioeconomic status, individuals experiencing psychosis and longstanding issues, and other individuals. New and supporting research for the following topics are included: the helping alliance; client feedback; communication; self-efficacy and stress in helping skills students; responding to negative feelings; methods for implementing plans; person-centered decision making that is required by law (under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) for certain older and disabled individuals; gender; cultural heritage; and ethnicity. In addition, there are multiple-choice questions, as well as short-answer and fill-in-the-response items. Two complete client interviews are included, which will illustrate the value of the skills demonstrated with the person being interviewed. The text is further enhanced by an appendix offering numerous tools such as exercises and forms. This informative book is designed for human resource professionals, counselors, social workers, and other related helping professionals.