Concise Textbook of Large Animal Handling: A Practical Handbook | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Concise Textbook of Large Animal Handling: A Practical Handbook 1 Edition ISBN 9780367628093 by Chastain, C. B.
Author: Chastain, C. B.
ISBN-13: 9780367628093
List Price: $44.79 (up to 18% savings)
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Details about Concise Textbook of Large Animal Handling: A Practical Handbook:

This concise instructional guide condenses the most important aspects of large animal handling. It provides a portable, durable, beside-the-animal means of learning, as well as a convenient way to refresh on how to strive for safety and efficacy in animal handling techniques. It is ideal for use during veterinary placements in all settings from farm to laboratory, to riding school. The text covers: Handler safety Animal safety Sanitation Approach and capture Routine handling and release procedures Handling for medical procedures Use and supply sources of restraint equipment A Companion Website provides additional self-assessment questions and answers to aid learning. Important reading for undergraduate veterinary students on EMS rotations, as well as practicing veterinarians, technicians, and assistants, the book covers species encountered in farm, equine, and laboratory settings. You can hear the author discuss the topics covered in this book on his weekly podcast ‘Better Animal Handling’:

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