International Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Issues | 5 Edition

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Authors: Toops, Stanley,Peterson, Mark Allen,Vanderbush, Walt,Sackeyfio, Naaborle,Anderson, Sheldon
ISBN-13: 9780367463441
List Price: $34.61 (up to 24% savings)
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Details about International Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Issues:

This book provides a much-needed classroom text in international studies that is genuinely interdisciplinary in its approach. International Studies focuses specifically on five core disciplines; history, geography, anthropology, political science and economics, and describes them in relation to one another, as well as their individual and collective contributions to the study of global issues. The expert authors also emphasize the continuing importance of area studies within an interdisciplinary and global framework, applying its interdisciplinary framework to substantive issues in seven regions: Europe, East Asia and the Pacific, South and Central Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and North America. This new edition has been completely updated and substantially revised with two new chapters on Media, Sovereignty and Cybersecurity and Sustainable Development. This disciplinary and regional combination offers a useful and cohesive framework for teaching students a substantive and comprehensive approach to understanding global issues.

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