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Using QuickBooks Online for Accounting 2024 | 7 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Using QuickBooks Online for Accounting 2024 7 Edition ISBN 9780357901182 by Owen, Glenn
Author: Owen, Glenn
ISBN-13: 9780357901182
List Price: $165.13 (up to 13% savings)
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Details about Using QuickBooks Online for Accounting 2024:

Master QuickBooks® Online Accountant (QBOA) at your own pace with the unique self-directed learning approach in Owen's QUICKBOOKS® ONLINE FOR ACCOUNTING, 7th EDITION. This edition focuses exclusively on QBOA, allowing you to refine skills while reviewing your understanding of financial accounting, reporting and analysis tools. You will learn how accounting information is created and used to make key decisions. Updates introduce the latest features of QBOA, including the ability to create more than one company. New instructions provide more convenient access to your work through a student portal. Clear instructions, real examples and manageable assignments reinforce accounting skills as you practice using the QBOA application. You will learn how to set up QBOA to record business events, generate financial statements, and communicate critical information to business owners, investors and creditors. Strengthen skills you will use for business success with this valuable resource.

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I am currently a student at the University of Chicago, majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have tutored students of all ages and all levels of interest in mathematics. I have also worked at the National Museum of Mathematics, encouraging... Read more

I am currently a student at the University of Chicago, majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have tutored students of all ages and all levels of interest in mathematics. I have also worked at the National Museum of Mathematics, encouraging... Read more

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