Student Success in College: Doing What Works! MindTap Course List | 4 Edition

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Author: Harrington, Christine
ISBN-13: 9780357792872
List Price: $48.50 (up to 31% savings)
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Details about Student Success in College: Doing What Works! MindTap Course List:

Learn more about your personal identity and strengths, determine your goals and build your career and academic skills with Harrington's STUDENT SUCCESS IN COLLEGE: DOING WHAT WORKS!, 4E. This updated edition explores the keys to academic and career success, beginning with brief, research-driven self-assessments that give you a better understanding of your own unique capabilities. Current content also incorporates the latest research in the field with an emphasis on career skills. You explore career options and learn how to create and strengthen your own professional network so that you are well positioned for career success. You also sharpen proven academic skills as you work with high-level academic sources and online exercises to increase your information literacy and critical-thinking. This edition focuses on the skills that are proven in current research to help you achieve success. MindTap and Infuse digital resources are also available to enhance your learning experience.

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