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MATLAB Programming for Engineers | 6 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for MATLAB Programming for Engineers 6 Edition ISBN 9780357030394 by Chapman, Stephen
Author: Chapman, Stephen
ISBN-13: 9780357030394
List Price: $49.99 (up to 56% savings)
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Details about MATLAB Programming for Engineers:

Present MATLAB® as a technical programming language while emphasizing problem-solving skills with the 6th Edition of Chapman's highly successful MATLAB® PROGRAMMING FOR ENGINEERS. Students learn how to write clean, efficient and well-documented programs, while gaining an understanding of the many practical functions of MATLAB®. This edition reflects the latest advancements in MATLAB® R2018a and includes new MATLAB® GUI Apps. The first nine chapters can serve as a complete text and resource for first-year engineering students' introduction to programming and problem-solving course. The remaining chapters cover more advanced topics, such as I/O, object-oriented programming, and Graphical User Interfaces, and offer an ideal resource for a longer course. These chapter also provide an ongoing, trusted reference tool for upper-level engineering students or practicing engineers who rely upon MATLAB®.

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