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Physical Examination and Health Assessment | 9 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Physical Examination and Health Assessment 9 Edition ISBN 9780323809849 by Jarvis PhD  APN  CNP, Carolyn,Eckhardt PhD  RN, Ann L.
Authors: Jarvis PhD APN CNP, Carolyn,Eckhardt PhD RN, Ann L.
ISBN-13: 9780323809849
List Price: $90.00 (up to 29% savings)
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Details about Physical Examination and Health Assessment:

With an easy-to-follow approach and unmatched learning support, Jarvis's Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 9th Edition is the most widely used, authoritative, complete, and easily implemented learning solution for health assessment in nursing. This hub of a tightly integrated learning package continues to center on Carolyn Jarvis's clear, logical, and holistic approach to physical examination and health assessment across the patient lifespan. It's packed with vivid illustrations, step-by-step guidance, and evidence-based content to provide a complete approach to health assessment and physical examination. With an enhanced focus on today's need-to-know information, the 9th edition integrates concepts from the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative, concepts of interprofessional collaboration, enhanced transgender considerations, and integrated content and electronic resources for success on the Next Generation NCLEX®.

  • Clear, conversational, step-by-step, evidence-based approach covers physical examination and health assessment of patients throughout the lifespan.
  • Consistent format from chapter to chapter features sections on structure and function, subjective data, objective data, documentation and critical thinking, abnormal findings, and health promotion and patient teaching to help you learn to assess systematically.
  • Inclusion of LGBTQ issues and Cultural Assessment chapter equip you with the skills to practice with greater sensitivity and inclusivity.
  • Engaging online learning resources include assessment video clips; review questions for the NCLEX®; case studies for the NGN; audio clips of heart, lung, and abdominal sounds; assessment checklists; and much more.
  • Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle boxes present opportunities for patient teaching and health promotion while performing the health assessment.
  • Developmental Competence sections highlight content specific to infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, and older adults.
  • Culture and Genetics sections include information on biocultural and transcultural variations in an increasingly diverse patient population.
  • Standalone Vital Signs chapter and focused nutrition content emphasize the national epidemic of obesity.
  • Integration of interprofessional collaboration emphasizes how to ensure patient safety during the physical exam and how to collaborate with other health professionals to promote optimal health.
  • Enhanced content on the electronic health record, charting, and narrative recording exemplifies how to document assessment findings using state-of-the-art systems with time-tested thoroughness.

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