Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction | 9 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780323792554
ISBN-13: 9780323792554
List Price: $84.24 (up to 0% savings)
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Details about Pedretti's Occupational Therapy: Practice Skills for Physical Dysfunction:
- UNIQUE! Threaded case studies begin and are woven through each chapter, helping you develop clinical reasoning and decision-making skills and to apply concepts to real-life clinical practice.
- UNIQUE! Ethical Considerations boxes examine the obligation to collaborate with clients on their care, using evidence to select treatment options.
- UNIQUE! OT Practice Notes convey important tips and insights into professional practice.
- Illustrated, evidence-based content provides a foundation for practice, especially relating to evaluation and intervention.
- Information on prevention — rather than simply intervention or treatment — shows how OTs can take a proactive role in client care.
- Focus on health promotion and wellness addresses the role of the occupational therapist in what the AOTA has identified as a key practice area.
- Content on cultural and ethnic diversity is included in every chapter, reflecting occupational therapy’s commitment to this important issue.
- Key terms, chapter outlines, and chapter objectives highlight the information you can expect to learn from each chapter.
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