Communicating Rocks: Writing, Speaking, and Thinking About Geology | 1 Edition

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Author: Copeland, Peter
ISBN-13: 9780321689672
List Price: $75.93 (up to 78% savings)
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Details about Communicating Rocks: Writing, Speaking, and Thinking About Geology:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Scientific endeavor begins with asking questions about the nature of the world around us and gathering data, but this work cannot be complete without effectively communicating the conclusions and data found. Communicating Rocks: Writing, Speaking, and Thinking about Geology not only makes the case for balancing science with writing and speaking, but makes the case that one cannot have the former without the latter. Instruction concerning the rules and styles of writing and speaking are addressed in relation to technical concerns specific to the Earth sciences, illustrating the importance of effective communication in geologic investigations. The book includes guidance on how to write an effective research paper, and the creation of PowerPoints, posters, a thesis, funding proposals, and more is covered in detail.

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