If You Ever Want to Bring a Circus to the Library, Don't! Magnolia Says DON'T!, 3 | Illustrated Edition

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Author: Parsley, Elise
ISBN-13: 9780316376617
List Price: $8.17 (up to 72% savings)
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Details about If You Ever Want to Bring a Circus to the Library, Don't! Magnolia Says DON'T!, 3:

The third book in the bestselling Magnolia Says Don't! series, which started with If You Ever Want to Bring an Alligator to School, Don't!, is another loud and cautionary tale of what not to do--this time, at the library! If you see a poster that says "You Can Do Anything at the Library!", it is NOT giving you permission to put on a circus! But Magnolia doesn't see any problem with setting up her own big top. She's got a lot of gusto and one mean human cannonball routine. So what if her greatest show on Earth won't fit between the bookshelves? Elise Parsley's boldly expressive illustrations perfectly complement this mostly-librarian-approved guide on how to be everything BUT quiet in the library!

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