Preaching God's Word, Second Edition: A Hands-On Approach to Preparing, Developing, and Delivering the Sermon | Second Edition

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Authors: Carter, Terry G.,Duvall, J. Scott,Hays, J. Daniel
ISBN-13: 9780310536246
List Price: $21.50 (up to 26% savings)
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Details about Preaching God's Word, Second Edition: A Hands-On Approach to Preparing, Developing, and Delivering the Sermon:

Learn to develop and deliver a biblical sermon that connects with today's audiences. Preaching God's Word is a user-friendly and practical homiletics textbook that integrates hermeneutical principles and stresses the importance of a strong exegetical foundation. It teaches you how to understand your audience, develop powerful applications, use illustrations well, and communicate effectively. Preaching God's Word addresses: How to develop and preach a biblical sermon Common issues with biblical preaching and how to avoid them Unique challenges and opportunities of preaching from specific biblical genres New Testament preaching Old Testament preaching Whether you are a student who is new to preaching or a veteran looking to brush up on your skills, you will benefit from this hands-on approach to preparing, developing, and delivering the sermon.  

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