An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter

ISBN-13: 9780310111733
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Details about An Introduction to Philosophy: A Christian Guide to the Things that Really Matter:
Designed for students in Christian colleges and seminaries, An Introduction to Philosophy surveys the four main areas of philosophy - logic, metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics - in an accessible and engaging manner. Yet it also covers important topics sometimes left unaddressed in introductions, including: why philosophy matters in our day critical thinking and intellectual virtue a brief history of philosophy philosophical hermeneutics the relationship between philosophy, faith, and worldview religious epistemology bioethics, sexual ethics, other types of ethics a Christian philosophy of life Grounded in the Christian intellectual tradition, each chapter in An Introduction to Philosophy includes student-friendly features such as chapter summaries, explanatory sidebars, reflection questions, vocabulary words and definitions, and suggestions for further reading. Professors and students will find it to be a broad and useful overview, perfect for undergraduate and seminary students alike.