Digital Crossroads, second edition: Telecommunications Law and Policy in the Internet Age Mit Press | second Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Digital Crossroads, second edition: Telecommunications Law and Policy in the Internet Age Mit Press second Edition ISBN 9780262519601 by Nuechterlein, Jonathan E. E,Weiser, Philip J.
Authors: Nuechterlein, Jonathan E. E,Weiser, Philip J.
ISBN-13: 9780262519601
List Price: $25.00 (up to 89% savings)
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Details about Digital Crossroads, second edition: Telecommunications Law and Policy in the Internet Age Mit Press:

A thoroughly updated, comprehensive, and accessible guide to U.S. telecommunications law and policy, covering recent developments including mobile broadband issues, spectrum policy, and net neutrality. In Digital Crossroads, two experts on telecommunications policy offer a comprehensive and accessible analysis of the regulation of competition in the U.S. telecommunications industry. The first edition of Digital Crossroads (MIT Press, 2005) became an essential and uniquely readable guide for policymakers, lawyers, scholars, and students in a fast-moving and complex policy field. In this second edition, the authors have revised every section of every chapter to reflect the evolution in industry structure, technology, and regulatory strategy since 2005. The book features entirely new discussions of such topics as the explosive development of the mobile broadband ecosystem; incentive auctions and other recent spectrum policy initiatives; the FCC's net neutrality rules; the National Broadband Plan; the declining relevance of the traditional public switched telephone network; and the policy response to online video services and their potential to transform the way Americans watch television. Like its predecessor, this new edition of Digital Crossroads not only helps nonspecialists climb this field's formidable learning curve, but also makes substantive contributions to ongoing policy debates.

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