Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy Connecting Core Competencies | 8 Edition

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Authors: Terrell, Paul,Gilbert, Neil
ISBN-13: 9780205096893
List Price: $159.99 (up to 50% savings)
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Details about Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy Connecting Core Competencies:

A conceptual framework for analyzing social welfare policy   Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy provides a comprehensive and widely-used framework for analyzing social welfare policies.  The text encourages readers to develop their own thoughts on social welfare policy and to explore policy alternatives. Theoretical points are illustrated with examples from a cross-section of program areas including income maintenance, child welfare, model cities, day care, community action, and mental health. The text familiarizes students with the content of major social welfare programs such as TANF, OASDHI, SSI, and Title XX.   Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: Understand current policy issues Reflect on where they stand in regard to controversial policy issues Understand major social welfare programs Better understand CSWE’s core competencies and practice behaviors

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