Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine : Psychosocial Care of the Terminally Ill | 3 Edition

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Authors: Breitbart, William,Chochinov, Harvey
ISBN-13: 9780197583838
List Price: $118.00 (up to 5% savings)
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Details about Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine : Psychosocial Care of the Terminally Ill:

Psychiatric, or psychosocial, palliative care has transformed palliative medicine. Palliation that neglects psychosocial dimensions of patient and family experience fails to meet contemporary standards of comprehensive palliative care. While a focus on somatic issues has sometimes overshadowed attention to psychological, existential, and spiritual end-of-life challenges, the past decade has seen an all encompassing, multi-disciplinary approach to care for the dying take hold.Written by internationally known psychiatry and palliative care experts, the Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine is an essential reference for all providers of palliative care, including psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health counselors, oncologists, hospice workers, and social workers.

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