Equations of State for Solids in Geophysics and Ceramic Science Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics | 1 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780195056068
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Details about Equations of State for Solids in Geophysics and Ceramic Science Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics:
Written by a renowned expert in the field, this book is the most comprehensive treatment available on the applications of equations of state (EoS) in geophysics and materials science, a topic of fundamental importance to those studying the physics and chemistry of the Earth. Part one offers comprehensive treatments of thermal properties associated with EoS, thermodynamic and statistical mechanical backgrounds, and thermoelastic properties. Definitions of the physical properties needed for the EoS are provided as well. Part two discusses the isothermal pressure-volume relationship. The ab initio approach--EoS based upon quantum mechanics fundamentals using numerical methods--is utilized to clearly represent and analyze the measured data. Part three offers an advanced treatment of thermal properties at high temperature, and includes discussions of thermal pressure, shocked solids, and EoS applications to materials science topics such as melting and thermodynamic function. Advanced students, researchers, and professionals in geophysics, ceramics science, solid state physics, and geochemistry will want to read this book.