A Concise Introduction to World Religions | 4 Edition

ISBN-13: 9780190919023
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Details about A Concise Introduction to World Religions:
Based on the bestselling two-volume World Religions: Eastern and Western Traditions, A Concise Introduction to World Religions, Fourth Edition, is ideal for single-semester courses. Renowned expert contributors trace the origins and evolution of the major traditions, explain their essential teachings, outline their practices, and examine their interactions with modern culture and society, while insightful introductory and concluding essays suggest countless avenues for further reflection and study. Engaging pedagogy throughout helps students appreciate and understand world religions: "Focus" boxes provide insight into rituals or practices that are specific to each religion; "Tradition at a Glance" boxes offer an insightful overview of each tradition, facilitate comparative analysis, and serve as quick review references; "Sites" boxes indicate locations of special significance to each tradition; "Document" boxes highlight key passages from each tradition's sacred texts; "Sacred Texts" tables outline the process of compiling and revising the fundamental texts for each tradition as well as their oral, legal, and ritual uses; Chapter study questions and glossaries, detailed maps, timelines, and recommended websites and further readings provide students with additional support.