Vocal, Instrumental, and Ensemble Learning and Teaching: An Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Volume 3 Oxford Handbooks | Illustrated Edition

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Authors: McPherson, Gary,Welch, Graham
ISBN-13: 9780190674625
List Price: $29.06 (up to 4% savings)
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Details about Vocal, Instrumental, and Ensemble Learning and Teaching: An Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Volume 3 Oxford Handbooks:

Vocal, Instrumental, and Ensemble Learning and Teaching is one of five paperback books derived from the foundational two-volume Oxford Handbook of Music Education. Designed for music teachers, students, and scholars of music education, as well as educational administrators and policy makers, this third volume in the set emphasizes the types of active musical attributes that are acquired when learning an instrument or to sing, together with how these skills can be used when engaging musically with others. These chapters shed light on how the field of voice instruction has changed dramatically in recent decades and how physiological, acoustical, biomechanical, neuromuscular, and psychological evidence is helping musicians and educators question traditional practices. The authors discuss research on instrumental learning, demonstrating that there is no 'ideal' way to learn, but rather that a chosen learning approach must be appropriate for the context and desired aims. This volume rounds out with a focus on a wide range of perspectives dealing with group performance of instrumental music, an area that is organized and taught in many varied ways internationally. Contributors Alfredo Bautista, Robert Burke, James L. Byo, Jean Callaghan, Don D. Coffman, Andrea Creech, Jane W. Davidson, Steven M. Demorest, Robert A. Duke, Robert Edwin, Shirlee Emmons, Sam Evans, Helena Gaunt, Susan Hallam, Lee Higgins, Jere T. Humphreys, Harald Jers, Harald Jørgensen, Margaret Kartomi, Reinhard Kopiez , William R. Lee, Andreas C. Lehmann, Gary E. McPherson, Steven J. Morrison, John Nix, Ioulia Papageorgi, Kenneth H. Phillips, Lisa Popeil, John W. Richmond, Carlos Xavier Rodriguez, Nelson Roy, Robert T. Sataloff, Frederick A. Seddon, Sten Ternström, Michael Webb, Graham F. Welch, Jenevora Williams, Michael D. Worthy

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