Behavior Management: A Practical Approach for Educators | 10 Edition

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Authors: Shea, Thomas,Bauer, Anne
ISBN-13: 9780137085040
List Price: $159.99 (up to 47% savings)
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Details about Behavior Management: A Practical Approach for Educators:

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A popular, practical, and comprehensive guide for educators regarding how to create a positive, healthy, and social classroom settings.   Long an established and popular text in its field, Behavior Management: A Practical Approach for Educators successfully balances theory and practice to provide readers with a comprehensive manual for creating a positive, pro-social educational environment in which all children can truly learn and enjoy that learning experience. By presenting both research and the proven practices that developed from that research, the authors are able to fully explain behavior management from four perspectives—behavioral, psychodynamic, biophysical, and environmental—in straightforward, jargon-free prose. At the same time, real-life case studies, classroom techniques, clear examples, and helpful plan designs allow preservice and inservice teachers to easily bring what they have learned into the classroom.  The new tenth edition has been revised and rewritten to improve its usability and readability, and includes evidence based practices that have recently been identified.  A new chapter on response-to-intervention, and its relationship to functional behavioral assessment has also been added, as well as updated information on designing individualized behavior plans. 

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