Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Comprehensive | 1 Edition

Compare Textbook Prices for Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Comprehensive 1 Edition ISBN 9780135452752 by Poatsy, Mary,Mulbery, Keith,Davidson, Jason
Authors: Poatsy, Mary,Mulbery, Keith,Davidson, Jason
ISBN-13: 9780135452752
List Price: $75.58 (up to 39% savings)
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Details about Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Comprehensive:

Pearson+ gives you access to much more than your eTextbook. Most titles also include audiobooks, study notes, flashcards and more to help you thrive in the classroom.

For courses covering introductory Microsoft® Excel™.

Beyond point-and-click.

Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2019 Comprehensive moves students beyond rote tasks to a deeper comprehension of how, when, and why to apply Office skills. A market leader for over 20 years, the text helps students achieve high-level learning outcomes by engaging them in the way they learn best: through hands-on practice. A dozen exercises in each chapter range from multiple-choice questions to open-ended projects.

Revised to reflect Microsoft Office 365, the 2019 Edition is Mac compatible and adds new critical thinking assignments to help students build fundamental 21st-century skills.

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I am currently a student at the University of Chicago, majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have tutored students of all ages and all levels of interest in mathematics. I have also worked at the National Museum of Mathematics, encouraging... Read more

I am currently a student at the University of Chicago, majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I have tutored students of all ages and all levels of interest in mathematics. I have also worked at the National Museum of Mathematics, encouraging... Read more

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